The Special Representative sees the 30 December votes as an “unquestionable sucess”

31 Dec 2015

The Special Representative sees the 30 December votes as an “unquestionable sucess”

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in the Central African Republic, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, sees as an unquestionable success the conduct of the 30 December 2015 presidential and legislative elections, marked by a massive participation of Central African voters.
The Special Representative encourages Central Africans to go till the end of the process that aims to elect new authorities. He insists on the determination of the international community to accompany the future authorities in their efforts for enhanced security, better governance and the establishment of socio-economic development programmes that could benefit all Central Africans.
The Special Representative underlines that a more profound dialogue amongst Central Africans will be necessary to move forward on the road to national reconciliation, an objective that can be reached only throught tackling the plague of impunity with courage and determination.
The Special Representative however calls to be vigilant vis-à-vis the enemies of peace who, although being a minority, retain a capacity of nuisance. To that respect he condemns the sad events that occurred in Paoua - where a candidate to the legislative elections was assaulted - and in Bangui where three Blue helmets have seriously been injured while securing ballot boxes.
The Special Representative reaffirms that MINUSCA and the United Nations family will remain by the side of the transitional authorities, under the leadership of the Head of State of the Transition, until their mandate comes to an end. He congratulates them for their efforts that led to the effective organization of the 13 December consultation and the elections of the 30 December, as well as for the entirety of their mandate.
« MINUSCA will continue to play his catalytic role to get support of the international community for a coordinated and sustained response to needs for peace, justice and sustainable development to the benefit of the Central African Republic”, concludes Onanga-Anyanga.