Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are QIPs?
  2. What are the areas of intervention of QIPs?
  3. Who can apply for funding or to become an implementing partner?
  4. What are the requirements to become an implementing partner?


1. What are QIPs?

Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) are community-based micro projects, which have a maximum cost of US$50,000 and an implementation period of no more than 6 months. These projects meet the priority needs of the population and have a quick and lasting impact. They aim to create a climate of trust between the communities, MINUSCA and its partners, as well as in the peace process.

QIPs attract technical and financial partners. They seek to foster ownership of administrative and local authorities and community involvement.

 What is the QIPs 2019-2020 strategy?

  • Support community resilience.
  • Support dialogue and reconciliation.
  • Contribute to facilitating the peaceful management of transhumance, disconnecting communities from armed groups, protecting minorities and vulnerable groups, assisting in the return of displaced persons and refugees.

2.   What are the areas of intervention of QIPs?

Protection of civilians; social cohesion; restoration of state authority.

3. Who can apply for funding or to become an implementing partner?

  • NGOs and national organisations,
  • Local associations,
  • Government institutions,
  • International agencies,
  • Intergovernmental organisations.

These entities can become MINUSCA partners. The Mission itself, including its military contingents, may also apply for a QIP. However, individuals, private companies and entities cannot apply for a QIP. 

4. What are the requirements to become an implementing partner?

  • Demonstrable skillset,
  • Qualified personnel,
  • Have the necessary logistical resources for the implementation of the project,
  • Demonstrate transparency and efficiency in the use of the resources.

5. What is the procedure for applying for funding for a QIP?

i.Reach out to MINUSCA civilian, military or UNPOL components to present a project proposal.

ii.Once the project is agreed upon, fill out the request form.

iii.Turn in the form at one of MINUSCA’s field offices.

iv.A project review committee will decide on the proposal and inform applicants

v.The QIP will be carried out by one of the implementing partners with the support of MINUSCA.