Allegation of sexual exploitation by an international civilian staff

15 sept 2015

Allegation of sexual exploitation by an international civilian staff

On 12 September 2015, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) received an allegation of sexual exploitation committed by one of its civilian staff.

MINUSCA has informed the CAR authorities of this allegation and the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services has immediately taken steps to investigate this case, consistent with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Zero Tolerance Policy on SEA.

MINUSCA condemns in the strongest possible terms any instance of sexual exploitation and abuse committed by UN personnel in the CAR. SRSG Onanga-Anyanga who has discussed this new case with both High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein, and USG DPKO Mr. Herve Ladsous, reiterates his personal and institutional commitment to ensure that the rights and dignity of victims are protected, an investigation is carried out swiftly, and that justice is done.

There are currently seventeen allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN personnel in the CAR that have been reported to MINUSCA. Of these 17 cases, 13 involve allegations against our military, one involves allegations against our police, one case is against a civilian, and in one case, the perpetrator’s status is unknown. Each and every case has been documented and initial fact-finding, preservation of evidence, and/or investigations have been initiated