MINUSCA welcomes the release police hostage

25 juin 2016

MINUSCA welcomes the release police hostage

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) welcomes the release of the six Central African policemen who were held hostages by armed elements.

MINUSCA applauds the perseverance of the negotiating team that contributed to their release without the use of force.

Throughout this crisis, MINUSCA secured the area to prevent further incidents, provided guidance on the negotiations and advocated for a peaceful outcome with a range of Central African actors.

MINUSCA urges the population, whose majority is willing to live peacefully, to work further in the search for peace and promotion of inter-community dialogue.

MINUSCA reiterates its conviction that violence is not an acceptable means to resolve conflicts.

In line with its mandate, MINUSCA is working to rehabilitate and strengthen the Central African judicial system so that the perpetrators are punished according to the law, and all citizens can benefit from strong and impartial justice, where all are treated equally under the law.