The Head of MINUSCA encourages ex-combatants in Camp Béal to join the road to peace

6 juil 2015

The Head of MINUSCA encourages ex-combatants in Camp Béal to join the road to peace

The Head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), Babacar Gaye, visited on Sunday July 5 Camp Béal, to witness the finalization of the depollution process launched on July 4 2015.

On this occasion, he called upon ex-combatants who still occupy the camp to "join the road to peace, the only valid choice". For the sake of national reconciliation and prosperity for the country, Babacar Gaye suggested that they focus on the future, fully aware that peace is a matter of national interest. On his part, the representative of the ex-combatants committed himself to take the responsibility to join the peace and security project in Central Africa and to sensitize his troops.

Prior to the implementation of a national strategy for Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation (DDRR), MINUSCA will launch in the current week, a program of highly intensive labor works to rehabilitate the Béal camp. The beneficiaries will be the ex-combatants. This program will allow them to evaluate the benefits of peace and to enjoy the pride of having an income through work.

The depollution of Beal camp ended on Sunday, July 5. Approximately six tons of ammunition and explosives were safely moved and stored in Kassaï Camp. In addition, 80 kg of unstable explosives were destroyed by the NGO Halo Trust under the coordination of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS). The whole operation was jointly secured by MINUSCA Force and Police as well as the Central African National Security Forces.

During his visit, Babacar Gaye was accompanied by his two deputies, Diane Corner and Aurelién Agbénonci, MINUSCA’s Force Commander and Police Commissioner, Martin Chomu Tumenta and Luis Carrilho.