MINUSCA condemns the escalation of violence in Ngaoundaye

17 juin 2016

MINUSCA condemns the escalation of violence in Ngaoundaye

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) is deeply concerned by the escalating violence seen since June 10, 2016 in Ngaoundaye, Ouham Pende Prefecture, in the west of CAR. A series of attacks and retaliation acts between self-defense groups supported by anti-Balaka and transhumance herders supported by the ex-Seleka has caused a deterioration in the security situation.

The fights have caused significant displacement of the civilian population. A number have sought refuge in the parish of Ngaoundaye and others have fled to Cameroon. Houses were burned and properties looted. MINUSCA condemns in the strongest terms the violence surge, whose impact has been devastating to civilians.

The Mission calls on armed groups and affiliated movements to put the interests of civilians above any other consideration. MINUSCA reiterates its readiness, in collaboration with the Central African Government and the actors involved in the incidents, to find a solution to this crisis, which is related to the critical issue of seasonal migration.

In response to the escalating violence, MINUSCA peacekeepers interposed themselves between the belligerents. The security apparatus was strengthened in Ngaoundaye and its surroundings. MINUSCA intends to reinforce its presence in the affected area, including at the borders with Chad and Cameroon.

MINUSCA reaffirms its determination to provide stability and security in Central African Republic and to protect the freedom of movement of communities. It remains ready to provide all necessary support to carry out investigations to identify the instigators of the unrest, who must be held accountable for their acts and be brought to justice.