Head of MINUSCA calls on all concerned parties to refrain from exacerbating tensions

6 juil 2016

Head of MINUSCA calls on all concerned parties to refrain from exacerbating tensions

Over the past few weeks there has been a series of violent incidents in several parts of the Central African Republic (CAR) leading to unnecessary loss of lives, many wounded people and desolation. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations mission in CAR (MINUSCA), Parfait Onanga-Anyanga strongly condemns these acts of violence, which are contrary to the wish of the wide majority of Central Africans to leave in peace and social harmony, particularly in this festive time of Eid.

The Special Representative notes that while these acts do not present a direct threat to the newly established institutions they are reflective of relentless efforts by a number of spoilers still prone to resorting to armed violence as a means to settle disputes or access and control power and resources.  

The Special Representative calls on all concerned parties to refrain from exacerbating tensions which run against recent historical electoral achievements in the CAR. He stresses the need to urgently pursue peace consolidation and stabilization efforts through an inclusive national dialogue aimed at rebuilding the country's social contract, which has been seriously undermined by years of poor governance, cyclical violence and marginalization of important components of the society.

Consistent with the Government's commitment to lead an effective DDR programme, the Special Representative calls for its immediate launch in order to genuinely engage all concerned parties to contribute to greater peace and stability in the CAR. He notes that such a programme must be underpinned by a consensual national security sector reform strategy. He also emphasizes the need to proactively back nationally-led socio-economic recovery plans to ensure development and peace consolidation efforts go hand in hand and are mutually reinforcing.

The Special Representative underlines that while one of MINUSCA's role is to create a conducive environment for the return of Constitutional order, the political responsibility to build social cohesion and national reconciliation, which are indispensable foundations for lasting peace, security and development, lies with national authorities. He welcomes steps already initiated by the President Touadéra to this end and renews MINUSCA’s readiness to support such a critical process.

The Special Representative calls on all armed groups to unconditionally renounce armed violence between themselves or in defiance to State authority and to commit to the DDR programme, in keeping with the spirit of the Bangui Forum and the related disarmament accord.

The Special Representative SRSG reaffirms MINUSCA's commitment to protect civilian populations in the CAR and to address any gaps, since the Mission’s presence has effectively prevented mass atrocities and significantly improved the country's overall security while progressively extending State authority. 

The Special Representative recognizes that while noteworthy progress has been achieved in support of national authorities, numerous daunting challenges remain unaddressed and that overcoming them will require strong and visionary national leadership, backed by a unified and committed international community.

SRSG Parfait Onanga-Anyanga remains convinced that MINUSCA constitutes the most important investment in peace and recovery efforts of the international community in the CAR in recent years. He therefore looks forward to the Mission's continued relevance in support of national authorities in the context of the renewal of its mandate by the Security Council with a view to making peace consolidation efforts irreversible in the CAR.