MINUSCA congratulates the Central African people on the occasion of their National Day (PR#027/2014)

1 déc 2014

MINUSCA congratulates the Central African people on the occasion of their National Day (PR#027/2014)

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) welcomes the celebration of the National Day of the Central African Republic on 01 December 2014.

This edition of the National Day, celebrated under the sign of the commitment of the Transitional authorities to restore the authority of the State throughout the country, was an occasion for MINUSCA to provide logistical and security support, on 29 and 30 November, to Resident Ministers to ensure their return to various prefectures across the nation. These visits enabled the Resident Ministers to meet with local population and calls for national unity and reconciliation.

MINUSCA reaffirms its determination to implement its Mandate to protect civilians, and to support of the Transition and restoration of State authority throughout the territory.