MINUSCA welcomes the commitment of Central African political actors in Rome

2 mar 2015

MINUSCA welcomes the commitment of Central African political actors in Rome

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) welcomes the commitment of Central African political actors to the Brazzaville political process, at the end of a meeting held in Rome under the auspices of Sant' Egidio.

"The support to the Bangui forum, the rejection by the signatories of violence as a way of accession to power and the desire to respect the verdict of the polls, all meet the expectations of the international community. This gesture is also an expression of patriotic, republican and democratic attitude which needs to be immediately translated into actions, "said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the Central African Republic and Chief of MINUSCA, Babacar Gaye.

As it has demonstrated again recently, MINUSCA remains fully committed to the implementation of the mandate it has been entrusted with by the Security Council, in its efforts to protect civilians, support the restoration of State authority and the political process, all preoccupations expressed in the Rome Resolution.

MINUSCA encourages all Central African political stakeholders to live up to expectations with the view to finding a lasting solution to the deep crisis which their country has been facing for several years.