MINUSCA calls on all centrafricans to put the national interest above all other considerations

3 mai 2015

MINUSCA calls on all centrafricans to put the national interest above all other considerations

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) welcomes the holding of the National Bangui Forum. This major achievement by the Central African people for a lasting peace is an important breakthrough in the way out of the crisis.

MINUSCA hails the contribution of popular consultations held at the grassroots level in all prefectures to this momentous Forum.

The Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in the Central African Republic and Head of MINUSCA, Babacar Gaye, acknowledges the critical role played by all those who have devoted their energy, skills and time to the organization of this unprecedented event.

The Head of MINUSCA calls on all stakeholders to act wisely by placing the interest of the nation above any other considerations to ensure a smooth running of the Forum, which will lead to recommendations with a view to writing a new social contract.

The Special Representative is convinced that the Forum will outline the future configuration of a country whose people hopes for increased security, peace, justice, reconciliation, good governance as well a economic and social development, all these being the main themes of this historic conference. He reaffirms the support of the United Nations to the authorities and people of the Central African Republic.