Start of a social reintegration programme of ex-combatants to prevent violence

27 avr 2016

Start of a social reintegration programme of ex-combatants to prevent violence

They have decided to turn the page in CAR by giving up violence. They have disarmed and now want to return to civilian life. Under the implementation of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process, some 3,000 ex-militiamen, including 1,500 anti-Balaka, 1,000 ex-Seleka and 500 elements of self-defence militias will receive support for their reintegration.

An early part of the DDR process is the so-called “profiling” operation which began in Bangui on Monday with the initial 66 volunteers and will end when all identified ex-combatants will have been registered. It is primarily aimed at reducing violence in the capital by offering income-generating activities.

"The time for violence is over.  I want to give meaning to my life by doing an activity and I need support to achieve this reconversion," says Bienvenu[1] , 23, a former "anti- Balaka" militiaman.

This initiative, led by MINUSCA in collaboration with the government, supports”the wish of young people to see the future differently. We want to give hope to the youth ", said Diane Corner, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary- General of the United Nations, on a visit Tuesday to the registration site of Boy Rabe, in Bangui’s fourth arrondissement.

"Pending the implementation of the DDR program, it is urgent to reduce violence by occupying the fighters on projects they choose themselves. We envision the associative way of income generation activities ", said Michel Apollinaire from the Bangui High Commission for DDR - RSS (security sector reform), representing the Government.

"Once registered, the ex-combatants will be grouped by the occupational categories they choose, to promote social cohesion. Once trained, they will be given the means to initiate activities enabling them to meet their needs. This is the phase of pre DDR ", he added

Besides Bangui and its surroundings, the profiling exercise for ex-combatants is taking place in Paoua, in the prefecture of Ouham Pende .






[1] Name has been changed