MINUSCA calls on the communities of pk5 in bangui to exercise calm and restraint

13 juin 2016

MINUSCA calls on the communities of pk5 in bangui to exercise calm and restraint

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) calls on communities of PK5, in the 3rd district of Bangui, to exercise restraint and calm. The Mission urges them not to give way to violence, revenge and manipulation. In this regard, MINUSCA strongly condemns the attack on a motorcycle taxi driver on June 11 that led to the death of the driver of the vehicle and injured another citizen. MINUSCA deplores the threats of reprisal that ensued.

MINUSCA calls on the protagonists to avoid any escalation of violence that could undermine the still fragile hard-won gains achieved, especially in terms of security, political progress, reconciliation and social cohesion.

The Head of MINUSCA, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, wishes to emphasize that such acts of banditry while detestable, should not jeopardize the progress already made by the Central Africans to better live together. He welcomes the efforts and appeals of community leaders and government authorities to restore calm. The Mission stands alongside them to strengthen initiatives aimed at easing tensions and peacefully resolve disputes with respect for public order and rule of law.

MINUSCA continues to closely monitor developments both in Bangui and throughout the country and has taken appropriate measures to strengthen its security apparatus.