MINUSCA welcomes release of cameroonian hostages

18 juil 2016

MINUSCA welcomes release of cameroonian hostages

 The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) welcomes the release on July 17 of the last eleven Cameroonian hostages held by the Democratic Front for the Central African People (FDPC). The hostages were handed over to the Cameroonian authorities after more than two years of captivity.

The Mission also calls for the release of the mayor, the sub-prefect and a religious of Baboua who are still detained by FDPC since 16 July 2015, despite repeated appeals for their release.

MINUSCA reiterates its call on armed groups to unconditionally renounce to violence and to join the dialogue process initiated by the Government in order to strengthen security and establish a sustainable peace in CAR.