MINUSCA condemns irresponsable acts, calls for calm to avoid escaladions of violence

4 oct 2016

MINUSCA condemns irresponsable acts, calls for calm to avoid escaladions of violence


The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) strongly condemns Tuesday morning’s incidents in Bangui’s PK5 district. These irresponsible acts which caused casualties, followed a murder and attempted acts of revenge.

MINUSCA denounces such unacceptable acts that threaten the fragile gains in peace and stability, the result of considerable efforts by the Central African authorities and international forces. The Mission calls for calm and for actors to take responsibility to end such incidents and avoid further violence.

MINUSCA warns against any attempt at manipulation by the enemies of peace and will assist the investigation by Central African internal security forces into these PK5 incidents.