Statement by the President of the Security Council

4 avr 2017

Statement by the President of the Security Council

The Security Council expresses concern at the ongoing clashes between armed groups, in particular around Bambari in the Ouaka prefecture, and, most recently, in Bakouma in the Mbomou prefecture, which have caused heavy civilian losses and significant population displacement.

The Security Council deplores all attacks against civilians, abuses and violations of human rights and the looting of humanitarian premises. The Security Council is deeply concerned by the humanitarian situation in the country, including the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons, where nearly half of the estimated 4.6 million Central Africans are in need of humanitarian assistance.

The Security Council strongly condemns violence perpetrated by armed groups and their attempts to forcefully gain control of territory and resources, and urges all armed groups, in particular the Front patriotique pour la Renaissance de la Centrafrique (FPRC) and the Unitÿ pour la paix en Centrafrique (UPC), to immediately stop all violence and to honour their commitment, without any restriction, to the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation (DDRR) process.

The Security Council renews its support for President Touadera and welcomes his significant role to stabilize the country, promote peace and reconciliation, advance plans for disarmament, enable long-term development, and build the capacity of state institutions and basic service delivery, with the support of regional and international partners. The Security Council welcomes the efforts of President Touadera to advance the inclusive dialogue with the armed groups on DDRR.

The Security Council also renews its support to Special Representative of the Secretary- General (SRSG) Parfait Onanga-Anyanga and to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) in the implementation of its mandate in support of CAR authorities, including through the adoption of a proactive and robust posture towards the armed groups.

The Security Council recalls the principles for national reconciliation and reform that were agreed upon at the Bangui Forum in May 2015 and that are stated in the Republican Pact for Peace, National Reconciliation and Reconstruction as well as agreements on the principles for DDRR; justice and reconciliation; and security sector reform (SSR). The Security Council also recalls the urgent and imperative need to hold accountable and bring to justice those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights, including sexual and gender based violence.

The Security Council further recalls the strong rejection of impunity demonstrated by the CAR people during the Bangui Forum and its preparatory consultations. The Security Council welcomes the progress in preparation of the Special Criminal Court and calls for its swift operationalization.

The Security Council acknowledges the African Initiative for a Peace and Reconciliation Agreement between the Government and all armed groups in the CAR, which, in support of the efforts of President Touadÿra, is aimed at sustainably promoting reconciliation and inclusive governance in the CAR, and which will build upon the outcomes and recommendations of the Bangui Forum.

The Security Council welcomes the commitment of the United Nations, the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of the Central Africa States (ECCAS), the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and other regional partners to work together for the success of peace and reconciliation in the CAR.

The Security Council encourages Member-States to disburse pledges made at the international conference in Brussels (17 November 2016) as well as the African Solidarity Conference held in Addis Ababa (2 February 2017), in support of the implementation of the country's peacebuilding priorities as outlined in the CAR's National Strategy for Recovery and Peace consolidation and stresses in this context the valuable role of the United Nations Peace-building Commission (PBC) in bringing strategic advice and fostering a more coherent, coordinated and integrated approach to peace-building efforts and taking forward the commitments reflected in the Framework for Mutual Accountability.

The Security Council recalls the United Nations Zero Tolerance Policy on sexual exploitation and abuse, and its relevant related United Nations resolutions, and urges all non-United Nations forces authorised under a Security Council mandate to take adequate measures to prevent and combat impunity for sexual exploitation and abuse by their personnel.