Press releases

  • 18 Jul 2024 - GENEVA/BANGUI - Urgent and concrete action is required to ensure respect for human rights in places of detention in the Central African Republic (CAR), where torture and ill-treatment, illegal and arbitrary arrest and detention, malnutrition and poor healthcare are prevalent, a UN report issued today says.
  • 11 Jan 2023 - Bangui, January 11, 2023 - The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated  Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) confirms the arrest, on 10 January 2023 around 4 pm, of two of its staff members (international consultants) of French nationality.   MINUSCA is currently in contact with the national authorities to resolve the matter.  
  • 31 Dec 2022 - To the people of the Central African Republic, our dear hosts, As Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in the Central African Republic and Head of MINUSCA, I am honored to present to you, on behalf of the entire United Nations System in the Central African Republic, our warmest wishes for this new year, 2023.
  • 25 Jul 2022 -   GENEVA (25 July 2022) - The UN Human Rights Office today issued two reports on extremely disturbing events recently occurring in the Central African Republic (CAR).  One details a brutal, organised attack on a village by a pro-Government militia, while the second describes how specific armed groups have perpetrated recurring acts of sexual violence in a systematic and widespread manner.   
  • 04 Jun 2022 - At the invitation of the Government of the Central African Republic, the Strategic Review Meeting of the Political Process in the Central African Republic was held on 4 June 2022 in Bangui, under the high patronage of His Excellency, Professor Faustin Archange TOUADERA, President of the Central African Republic, under the auspices of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central African Republic, H
  • 01 Jun 2022 - GENEVA (1 June 2022) - I commend the adoption of a law in the Central African Republic abolishing the death penalty and encourage President Faustin-Archange Touadéra to promulgate it. The death penalty is incompatible with fundamental tenets of human rights and dignity.
  • 23 Feb 2022 -    The Secretary-General strongly condemns the arrest of four members of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). They were arrested by the Central African Republic gendarmerie in Bangui on Monday, 21 February 2022, while escorting a senior military officer of the Mission.    
  • 18 Feb 2022 -   BANGUI (18 February 2022) – A UN human rights expert today urged all necessary steps be taken to end impunity in the Central African Republic to ensure lasting peace in the country, and expressed the need to strengthen efforts to provide more holistic responses to victims.  
  • 25 Oct 2021 - Douala, 24 October 2021 - From 26 to 29 October 2021, Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon, will host a regional forum to raise awareness and build the capacity of media practitioners to prevent and combat hate speech in Central Africa.
  • 17 Oct 2021 - Bangui, October 16, 2021    The G5 +, a group of partner states and international institutions of the Central African Republic, welcomes the statement by the President of the Central African Republic calling for an end to military operations and all armed action throughout the country. 
