MINUSCA will not tolerate targeted violence by armed groups

13 déc 2016

MINUSCA will not tolerate targeted violence by armed groups

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) takes seriously reports of violence and abuses committed by armed groups against communities on ethnic or religious grounds. The Mission will not hesitate to use all appropriate means to combat such violence, which could amount to war crimes.

MINUSCA warned armed groups against such acts in the prefectures of Ouaka (central CAR), Haute-Kotto (east) or elsewhere in the Central African Republic. MINUSCA recalled the statement of the United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, who stated that such acts could constitute crimes under international law that could be prosecuted in domestic or international courts. Ongoing investigations on the unacceptable violence carried out in Bria last month will identify those responsible.

MINUSCA also warned armed groups against carrying out any acts of violence targeting the Mission's civilian and military personnel, including national staff. In accordance with its mandate, the Mission will provide respond to any attack on peacekeepers with appropriate means.

MINUSCA reiterated the United Nations Secretary-General's call for armed groups to immediately cease violence and participate in good faith in the efforts initiated by President Touadéra to address the root causes of the conflict and enact appropriate solutions. Such efforts include the implementation of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme, whose strategy was recently approved.