MINUSCA condemns deadly attack on peacekeepers in south-eastern CAR

4 jan 2017

MINUSCA condemns deadly attack on peacekeepers in south-eastern CAR

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) strongly condemns the attack on a convoy of Moroccan peacekeepers on Tuesday afternoon about 60 km west of the city of Obo (south-easternCAR). Two peacekeepers were killed while two others were injured and are receiving medical care.

The incident occurred while the UN peacekeepers were escorting a convoy of trucks transporting fuel from Zemio to Obo. The perpetrators fled into to the bush.

"Nothing can justify that individuals direct their grievances against peacekeepers whose presence in the CAR has no other objective than to help the country break free from cycles of violence ," the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of MINUSCA Parfait Onanga-Anyanga said, adding that "everything will be done to track down the perpetrators of these attacks and bring them to justice".

MINUSCA recalls that "harming the life of a peacekeeper can be considered a war crime and subject to prosecution". MINUSCA also reminds those enemies of peace that nothing will alter its commitment to work for the return of lasting peace and stability in the CAR.