MINUSCA and UNOCA call UPC and FPRC led coalition for an immediate end to the fighting between

2 fév 2017

MINUSCA and UNOCA call UPC and FPRC led coalition for an immediate end to the fighting between

The Special Representatives of the United Nations  Secretary-General for Central Africa and the Central African Republic (CAR) call for the immediate cessation of hostilities between FPRC (Front Populaire pour la Renaissance de Centrafrique)’s coalition and UPC (Mouvement pour l’Unité et la Paix en Centrafrique) in the Ouaka (center) and Haute Kotto (east) prefectures.

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Central Africa and Head of UNOCA, François Louncény Fall, and the Special Representative in CAR and Head of MINUSCA, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, reiterate the need to stop the ongoing clashes which has mainly affected civilians, including deaths and thousands of displaced people.

The Special Representatives regret the fact that the clashes are taking place at a time when several peace initiatives are underway by both the Central African Government and regional actors.

The Special Representatives call on the armed groups to immediately and unconditionally cease the hostilities to demonstrate their willingness for dialogue, in view of a political agreement for a lasting peace in CAR. They call on the armed groups leaders to be responsible and remind them of their obligations with respect to international humanitarian law and international human rights law for harming civilians.

The Special Representatives reiterate the United Nations commitment and support to the peace process in the CAR. They urge the FPRC and the UPC, as well as all armed groups, to cease hostilities, adhere to and participate in good faith in the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation (DDRR) program initiated by President Touadera, in order to create the conditions for a peaceful and frank dialogue between Central Africans.

The United Nations remains committed to taking all necessary measures to protect the civilian population from threats and violence committed by armed groups in CAR.