Bangladeshi peacekeeper killed in north-western Central African Republic

6 jan 2017

Bangladeshi peacekeeper killed in north-western Central African Republic

A peacekeeper from the UN  Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) was killed on Thursday in Bokayai, 25 km southwest of Bocaranga, in Ouham-Pende Prefecture.

MINUSCA peacekeepers on patrol were returning from the town of Koui when they were attacked by about 50 assailants. One peacekeeper from Bangladesh was fatally shot. The peacekeepers responded to the attack.

MINUSCA strongly condemns this attack as well as aggressions and provocations against the peacekeepers. MINUSCA underlines, once again, that attacks targetting peacekeepers are unacceptable and may constitute a war crime. 

Today's attack brings the number of MINUSCA peacekeepers killed in the line of duty to three since the beginning of 2017.