MINUSCA welcomes the release of children associated with armed groups

15 mai 2015

MINUSCA welcomes the release of children associated with armed groups

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Mission for the Stabilization in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) welcomes the release of hundreds of children associated with armed groups. The release took place Thursday, May 14 in Bambari.  A MiNUSCA team led by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Central African Republic, Diane Corner, attended the event.

The children were released as part of a United Nations-brokered deal with the armed groups as the country turns to healing after two years of conflict. . The deal is a result of the Mission’s diligent and patient efforts in close  cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to remove the CAR from the list of countries using children in armed conflicts.

The agreement between the armed groups and the Government was signed on 5 May 2015 in the presence of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations Central African Republic, Babacar Gaye .

While the release is seen by MINUSCA as a symbolic gesture, the Mission will continue to encourage the armed groups to release all children and stop future enrollment.

The Special Representative reiterates the determination of the Mission to protect children victims of sexual abuse. He  also reaffirms the readiness of the Mission to work with all national and international partners on children  protection and prevention of sexual violence and degrading treatments.