MINUSCA takes up the issue of potential physical bodily harm committed by peacekeepers on arrested individuals

10 juin 2015

MINUSCA takes up the issue of potential physical bodily harm committed by peacekeepers on arrested individuals

Blue helmets from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) deployed in the west of the country, are most likely responsible for excessive use of force, possibly physical bodily harm on four individuals arrested on 10 June 2015 during a security operation.

According to the preliminary information received, the arrest of these four individuals, perpetrators of criminal activities for which the population lodged complaints, took place following the request of local authorities.

MINUSCA deplores the death of one of these individuals, probably victim of excessive use of force and possibly physical bodily harm. Two of the persons arrested were admitted to the Regional University Hospital in Berberati, in a serious condition.

The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of MINUSCA, Babacar GAYE, who condemns in the strongest terms this excessive use of force and physical bodily harm, immediately took up this issue in order to shed light on these facts which potentially constitute serious human rights violations of which the perpetrators will be vigorously pursued.