The populations of Baoro commit to put an end to extrajudicial executions

29 juin 2015

The populations of Baoro commit to put an end to extrajudicial executions

The populations of Baoro in the prefecture of Nana-Mambéré, in the western part of the Central African Republic, committed on 28 June 2015 to put an end to extrajudicial killings often following public outcry about alleged practices of witchcraft and charlatanism. Hoping to write a new page in the life of their community, the populations of Baoro expressed their readiness to discontinue such violations of human rights and to adhere to the dynamics of reconciliation and social cohesion. Additionally, they highlighted their willingness to take together strong actions against this stigma which has been plaguing Baoro, commonly referred to as the "City of horrors".

These commitments were made during an informational session between representatives of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and the populations, in the presence of journalists during a press trip organized by the Mission in the Nana-Mambéré prefecture.

MINUSCA takes note of these important commitments and hopes they will be followed by tangible results. The Mission deplores, on this occasion, the cruel fact that vulnerable people are subject in total impunity of such degrading and inhuman atrocities.

Like in Bouar, residents of Baoro had the opportunity during these exchanges to share their expectations of the electoral process, which seeks to reestablish the State authority and administrative services, especially in the field of health and education. In this regard, representatives of the National Electoral Commission (ANE) mentioned their dire need of an office allocation and equipment to perform the voters’ registration due to kick off on July 2 in the area.

Similarly, the populations of Baoro called for the rehabilitation of the city's prison to fight impunity. With regard to security, they welcomed the work being accomplished by MINUSCA in support to the local authorities. The sub-prefecture pleaded for an improved security environment in the region in order to fully enjoy the dividends of a renewed peace, especially through the resumption of business activities and job creation for youths, hence deterring them from participating in armed violences and banditry.