MINUSCA condemns the attack against the national radio of Central African Republic

7 juil 2015

MINUSCA condemns the attack against the national radio of Central African Republic

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) strongly condemns the attack perpetrated on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, against the National Radio of the Central African Republic by three unidentified armed individuals.

When alerted, MINUSCA Police immediately went to the scene and found out that two Gendarmes on guard outside the National radio had been disarmed and taken hostage by the attackers. The assailants ransacked the production console before trying to break into the main recording studio. They were dispersed after warning shots by the Gendarmes before they fled with one of the hostages. He was found later by the MINUSCA Police near the Cathedral of Bangui. He suffered a fractured left arm and was taken to the Gendarmerie health center.

MINUSCA encourages the Central African authorities to take appropriate measures to identify, arrest the attackers and bring them to justice, according to law.

As part of its support to the National Security Forces, MINUSCA will leave no stone unturned to ensure a peaceful environment conducive to a stabilized Central African Republic.