MINUSCA deplores the sudden rise in tensions in Bangui

26 sept 2015

MINUSCA deplores the sudden rise in tensions in Bangui

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) deplores the sudden rise in tensions  on Saturday morning in Bangui, following the killing of a young Muslim man.

This outrageous act led to unacceptable retaliatory actions which threatened to put Bangui in an unjustified spiral of violence.

MINUSCA condemns these violent acts which already led to the injury and death of several civilians as well as important material damages.

Keeping with its mandate, MINUSCA in collaboration with the Internal Security Forces, the French SANGARIS forces and EUMAM, mobilized its peacekeepers to ensure the protection of the civilian population and avoid an escalation of the situation.

At a time when the Central African population and the international community are deploying commendable efforts towards reinforcing social cohesion and peaceful interfaith cohabitation, MINUSCA calls on the  CAR political class, religious leaders, civil society actors and the all social components to double their efforts to preserve the gains already achieved in the peace process.

MINUSCA will continue to support all stakeholders with a view to promoting national reconciliation, the major gateway for a sustainable peace in the country.