SRSG calls for restraint and reassures about MINUSCA’s presence to prevent escalation

27 oct 2015

SRSG calls for restraint and reassures about MINUSCA’s presence to prevent escalation

The Special Representative of the Secretary General for the Central African Republic, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, called on all Central Africans to exercise restraint to avoid an increase of violence with serious consequences and reassured the population about the presence in the field of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and its partners to avoid an escalation of violence.

"MINUSCA strongly condemns the use of violence to resolve differences. We call for restraint to ensure that recent unfortunate events will not lead to a larger drama, including more human life losses and material damages and a step back for peace consolidation," Onanga- Anyanga stated in a message aired on Tuesday in Guira FM, the mission’s radio. The Head ofMINUSCA was addressing Monday and Tuesday incidents in Bangui. Incidents were also registered in Bambari and Bira but were quickly controlled.

"We make an appeal to all people of good will", he added while urging religious leaders, community leaders, civil society, politicians and national authorities to raise their voices "to avoid an escalation and a nonsense violence."

In his message, Onanga-Anyanga reassured the population, stressing the coordination between MINUSCA and its partners, namely the Sangaris operation, to avoid the escalation of violence. "We worked very closely with Sangaris. Our forces have been at work all night. We are present, we are in the most difficult neighborhoods, the SRSG said, while reaffirming MINUSCA availability to work with all Central Africans," whatever their differences, so that the country to move out of this simply unacceptable situation."

The Special Representative also condemned reported violence against the international forces including MINUSCA on Tuesday and aid workers in September. "This violence must stop. The international presence in the country is nothing but helping the country moves forward throughout these difficult times and to support the reconciliation process which is essential for the return of peace, stability and prosperity for all in CAR,” Onanga-Anyanga concluded.