Statement Attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the Adoption of Security Council Resolution 2272

12 mar 2016

Statement Attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the Adoption of Security Council Resolution 2272


The Secretary-General welcomes the adoption by the Security Council of Resolution 2272 (2016). The resolution, which endorses the special measures recommended by the Secretary-General to prevent and combat sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers, is a significant step in our collective efforts to combat the terrible damage caused to victims of sexual exploitation and abuse. The Secretary-General is pleased that the Members of the Security Council have echoed the concerns that he has been raising for months in order to shine a light on a difficult issue.

Moving forward, the Secretary-General’s focus is to make a difference for victims, ensuring protection and support for victims, and to demand zero impunity, emphasizing that accountability is a shared responsibility requiring action by Member States.

It is only by working with Member States, especially Troop Contributing Countries, that we will be able to ensure accountability and justice for the victims. The Secretary-General reiterates his call for to Member States to work closely with the United Nations to effectively implement the measures he has put forward.

New York, 11 March 2016