UN send integrated team to investigate new SEA allegations in Kemo and reiterate committment to sanction any perpetrator

25 mar 2016

UN send integrated team to investigate new SEA allegations in Kemo and reiterate committment to sanction any perpetrator

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) has received new information of allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse both by UN and non-UN forces and civilians in the Kemo prefecture of the Central African Central African Republic. These allegations reportedly refer to incidents that occurred in 2014 and 2015. In the immediate, our primary concern is to ensure that victims have been assisted and all reports immediately investigated to ensure that any perpetrator is appropriately sanctioned.

An integrated team under the overall leadership of Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General Diane Corner, will be rapidly deployed to the area. The team will be comprised of OIOS, UNICEF, OHCHR, HCR, UNFPA and the Conduct and Discipline Team and will gather all available information and preserve evidence to the extent possible. The report of the integrated team will be shared with the Member States concerned with the request that they conduct a thorough and timely investigation where any contingent personnel--whether UN or non-UN--are involved, and take decisive action against perpetrators.

MINUSCA remains fully committed to the Zero Tolerance policy of the Secretary-General and is determined to ensure that each allegation is thoroughly investigated, that victims are assisted and that perpetrators are held accountable.