UN chief announces trip to Central African Republic, where crisis is 'far from media spotlight'

19 oct 2017

UN chief announces trip to Central African Republic, where crisis is 'far from media spotlight'


Speaking to the press at United Nations Headquarters, in New York, Secretary-General António Guterres announced that he will be travelling to the Central African Republic early next week to draw attention to the fragile situation in the country “that is often far from the media spotlight.” 

“Across the country, communal tensions are growing. Violence is spreading. And the humanitarian situation is deteriorating,” the Secretary-General said. 

The deteriorating situation driven about a quarter of the people in the country from their homes and since the start of 2017, the number of internally displaced persons has reached 600,000 and refugees in neighbouring countries number over 500,000. 

“Despite these rising needs, humanitarian personnel and aid workers are being targeted and access restricted,” added Mr. Guterres, noting that so far this year, 12 relief workers and an equal number of peacekeepers from the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the country, known by its French acronym, MINUSCA, have lost their lives in hostile acts. 

“My upcoming visit will be an opportunity to engage with the Government and others in order to ease suffering, halt the current backsliding, and strengthen international support for peace,” he said.