MINUSCA strongly condemns the upsurge of armed attacks on the Main Supply Road 1 (MSR1)

20 juil 2015

MINUSCA strongly condemns the upsurge of armed attacks on the Main Supply Road 1 (MSR1)

United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) strongly condemns the marked increase of armed attacks on the Main Supply Road 1 (MSR1) attributable to members of the rebel group Front démocratique du peuple centrafricain (FDPC).

The latest incident took place on Saturday, 18 July 2015, with gun shots fired against a convoy of supplies for the population of the World Food Programme (WFP) escorted by MINUSCA peacekeepers 20 km from Baboua, in the North-Western part of the Central African Republic (CAR). The driver was fatally wounded by three bullets in the chest and his truck shoved on the side causing serious injuries to other passengers. MINUSCA presents its condolences to the family of the victim, wishes speedy recovery to the injured and expresses its solidarity with the drivers who parked their vehicles in front of the MINUSCA Camp by way of mourning.

This violence goes against the current momentum aimed at peace and national reconciliation following the conclusions and recommendations of the Bangui Forum and of the agreements signed between the government and armed groups on the cessation of hostilities and on disarmament.

At the same time, MINUSCA will reinforce the robust measures aimed at raising the level of security on this vital route that supplies the country. The mission will also consult with relevant authorities on how best to deal with the situation created by those who do not understand that violence is not the solution for CAR.