MINUSCA reinforces prevention and fight against sexual exploitation and abuse

20 juil 2015

MINUSCA reinforces prevention and fight against sexual exploitation and abuse

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) has put in place measures to prevent and fight against sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). After several allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation, the Force Commander, Martin Chomu Tumenta, instructed all sector and battalion commanders to ensure that all military personnel within their respective areas of operations strictly adhere to the United Nations zero-tolerance policy against sexual exploitation or abuse (SEA).

According to a six-point guideline, Sector and battalion commanders must necessarily ensure that soldiers under their command are aware of the zero tolerance policy and comply with it. If not, they would be personally liable. They were also requested to report on a weekly basis on progress taken to ensure compliance.

Any violation/non-compliance, suspicions regarding possible sexual exploitation and abuse, or any act of misconduct should be reported in a timely and efficient manner for remedial action. In keeping with applicable rules, regulation and directives, strong disciplinary measures will be taken against any MINUSCA military personnel found in violation of the policies and instructions on SEA and any act of misconduct. Disciplinary actions would include immediate repatriation with no possibility of future service with the United Nations.

All military personnel on initial deployment must be provided copies of the Force Commander’s directive on the Prevention of Acts of Misconduct and instructions on preventing SEA.