MINUSCA extends the fight against insecurity in the west of the country.

22 juil 2015

MINUSCA extends the fight against insecurity in the west of the country.

The Head of the United Nations Integrated Multidimensional Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic, Babacar Gaye, decided to dispatch Tuesday the Force Commander, General Martin Chomu Tumenta, to Nana-Mambere prefecture, following a series of armed attacks in recent weeks in the West of the country..

This was announced Wednesday in Bangui by spokesperson Hamadoun Touré, during the weekly press briefing of the Mission. According to him, this is to determine the reasons for the resurgence of violence in this part of the country and find solutions when the general trend is the gradual return to peace. Meanwhile, said the spokesman, the Chief of MINUSCA stepped up consultations to try to understand the real involvement of elements of the Central African Democratic Front (FDPC) or other forces to which they attributed the attacks.

In the same vein, the military spokesman, Colonel Adolphe Manikariza, explained that the purpose of Force Commander’s visit was to analyze ways to improve safety on the Main Supply Road number 1 (MSR1) regularly disrupted by armed groups that ambush, causing deaths and injuries.

Steps have been taken by MINUSCA to stem this scourge; these include making regular patrols and operations in the sector and particularly in the section between Beloko and Bedoua and permanently occupying areas where armed bandits hide before launching their attacks.

Similarly, it is aimed at applying to the letter the steps adopted in common agreement between MINUSCA Force and transporters’ unions during the meetings held on 09 and 11 June 2015. These are related to the convoy escorting plan, the speed of vehicles, technical inspection of vehicles, what to do in case of failure, accidents and technical stopovers.

This week, MINUSCA Force carried out 4567 patrols in all the sectors and escorted 431 vehicles on all the axes.

On the security platform, the situation continues to improve in Bangui, through continuous field presence of the Police and the Gendarmerie supported by MINUSCA Police, announced the spokesman FOR the Police, Oana Andreea Popescu, who welcomed the cooperation of the population with MINUSCA in reporting cases of aggression or threats by thugs.

Regarding the electoral census in Bangui, MINUSCA Police teams continue to provide security in all voter registration centers.

In this regard, we note a progressive enthusiasm of voters whose number reached 278,428 in the CAR capital, including 159,766 men and 11.6662 women, respectively 57 and 43 percent.

On the political scene, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations to the Central African Republic, Diane Corner, chaired on Tuesday MINUSCA’s monthly meeting with political parties represented by about forty officials, including former Prime Ministers Martin Ziguélé and  Nicolas Tiangaye.

During the meeting, Ms Corner summarized the challenges that the CAR is faced with before giving the floor to representatives of the MINUSCA Police and the Force to brief on the security situation in Bangui as well as in the provinces. It was followed by a presentation on current issues, the progress of the security sector reform and the responsibility of political parties and candidates during the electoral process. The enriching debates allowed participants to be sufficiently edified and share their concerns regarding the effectiveness of the security in the country, the vote of refugees, the need for real disarmament during electoral process for peaceful elections.