MINUSCA condemns the recent communal clashes in Bambari

24 août 2015

MINUSCA condemns the recent communal clashes in Bambari

The United Nations Integrated Multidimensional Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) condemns in the strongest terms the recent communal clashes in Bambari, Ouaka prefecture, which has killed many and wounded others, including aid workers who came to help the victims.

These recent acts are a serious blow to the spontaneous reconciliation which took place on April 19, 2015 when representatives of different religious groups, hand in hand, sealed a reconciliation deal, thereby providing hope for a real peace in the city. This is a step back from the conclusions and recommendations of the Bangui Forum in which one of the main achievements was the signing of an Agreement on the principles of Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation between the CAR government and armed groups.

The newly appointed Head of MINUSCA, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, has decided to dispatch a multidisciplinary team on site to help the parties concerned to get out of the spiral of violence, and get back on the path of social cohesion. "I call on the leaders of all parties to use the mechanisms established to bring together the communities and favor dialogue in the resolution of disputes, no matter their nature and scale," said the Special Representative.

MINUSCA reaffirms the priority it attaches to the protection of civilian populations and assumes its responsibility in this context, in accordance with its mandate.

MINUSCA encourages the Central African authorities to work towards reducing the current tension by all suitable means. It is gratifying to note the Government’s decision to send a high level ministerial delegation to Bambari. MINUSCA also invites the entire population to show restraint and to enroll in the dynamics of reconciliation, which is indispensable for peace building and sustainable development in the Central African Republic.