MINUSCA strongly condemns the burning of the Evangelical Church of Pentecost of Bria

7 sept 2015

MINUSCA strongly condemns the burning of the Evangelical Church of Pentecost of Bria

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), strongly condemns the burning down of the Evangelical Church of Pentecost Centre 1 Bria, capital of Haute Kotto.

This irresponsible and reprehensible act is an outrage to positives steps made towards reconciliation and social cohesion in Bria. MINUSCA calls the population of Bria to put the values of tolerance, respect for difference above any other considerations and urges them not to give way to provocation or manipulation aimed at escalating violence.

MINUSCA calls on all community leaders to convey peace messages. The Mission appreciates efforts already made by some community leaders to lessen tension and violence.

MINUSCA reiterates its commitment to accompany and to support the political process in Central African Republic for a definitive recovery from the crisis.