MINUSCA firmly condemns grenade attacks perpetrated in Central African Republic’s Bangui

9 sept 2015

MINUSCA firmly condemns grenade attacks perpetrated in Central African Republic’s Bangui

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) learned with dismay the grenade attacks perpetrated by unidentified armed individuals late on Wednesday 9 September 2015 in Petevo and Fatima neighborhoods, in the 6th district of Bangui.

MINUSCA strongly condemns these heinous and coward acts that caused the death of two people and injured many others.

The Mission offers its condolences to the affected families and wishes a speedy recovery to injured people. MINUSCA deeply regrets that these attacks occur at a time of improvement of the security situation and recovery of economic activities in Bangui.

The Mission calls on the population of the targeted districts by these attacks to remain calm, to avoid any action likely to exacerbate violence and to dismantle the barricades they erected in protest to the attacks.

While reiterating its determination to combat all those who deliberately continue to hamper the peace process, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA exhorts the populations to abandon any idea of reprisals and to place peace, reconciliation and social cohesion above all.

Investigations are underway to identify and bring the perpetrators to justice before the central African courts.